Never Worry About Coming Up With Things To Do With Your Bump, Baby, Or Toddler Ever Again!
Oliiki allows you to fill your baby’s first 1000 days with easy-to-do, development rich activities in 4 simple steps
I GET IT… Coming up with activities to fill the day is Hard!
Gone are the days of spending HOURS googling and creating play activities to do with your baby only to find that they lose interest after just a few moments.
By using the Oliiki app on your phone you will have literally 1000+ age-appropriate activities that you can instantly use with the things from in and around your home
We have hundreds of play, learning, and development ideas and even parenting prompts
All of these have been proven to help your baby develop and reach their full potential and scientifically proven to help you feel amazing as a new parent!
Using the Oliiki app you will spend LESS time coming up with things to do with your baby, you’ll never be wondering what to do to fill the day AND you’ll never need to google what to do with your baby again.
Introducing The Oliiki App
Your instant baby development activity library.
Become a baby development expert in 4 simple steps.
Step#1: Pick your activity
Choose from:
✔ ‘The Activity of the Day’ which is designed for the age and stage your bump. Baby or toddler is at right now.
✔ focus on a specific area of learning and find something that you think you and your little one will enjoy
✔ an activity based on the age your baby
✔ or choose one of the activities chosen for you for the week based on the age and development needs of your baby right now.
Step #2: Understand the learning your baby is gaining from the activity you’re doing
The activity might seem simple to you, but to your bump, baby or toddler it’s a learning opportunity. We show you why doing the activity helps your baby’s development as well as how to do it.
Go deeper in your understanding of how the activity helps your baby’s development and the role you have in their development by reading the science behind the activity right inside the app.
STEP#3: Press finish to find out more
Press the ‘finish button’ to find out more areas of learning you’ll help your baby to develop through each play activity.
Step #4: Play and help your baby develop!
With your newfound knowledge and the occasional additional resource from in and around your home, start playing with your baby safe in the knowledge that you’re helping them be fabulous!
Get Started NOW - for only £4.99 per month (or local equivalent)
£96.99 (or local equivalent) for a lifetime subscription!
(equivalent to £2.93 per month).
I want to help my baby develop in seconds!
You know that your baby needs to develop and learn everything and the best way to do this is through play – BUT the whole idea of coming up with what to do and how to do it, and what it’s actually teaching your bump or baby is just so overwhelming, especially when it’s all so new!
Been there, done that - which is why I want to help you be the parent you want to be: Confident, happy and knowing you’re helping your baby develop to their full.
We give you PROVEN activities -written by teachers, education researchers and mum’s and tested by the hundreds of parents we’ve helped!
We have 1000+ activities from the earliest of bumps right through until your baby is two
To help you get rid of the filling-the-day-overwhelm
Within minutes, you can finally start having easy-to-do activities for your baby to do without overthinking how to fill your days and how to support your baby’s development ever again (well at least for the first 1001 critical days!)
They love it and you will too!
For everyone that has tried googling activities and still run out of ideas…Using Oliiki means you’ll only spend a few moments a day coming up with meaningful playful adventures for your bump, baby or toddler and as an added bonus, you’ll learn more about their development needs too, making you more confident that you are helping them be fabulous!
This Is For YOU!
Being a first-time parent is no walk in the park.
Between watching your body change, waiting for the scans, preparing for birth, navigating the first few weeks, the sleepless nights, feeding and changing and navigating a whole new world of parenthood it often feels like there’s simply not enough time.
Because you are not alone… and there is an easier way….
😃 Even if … you are a first-time parent and aren’t even sure what the journey ahead looks like.
😃 Even if… you are anxious that you might not be doing it right but still really want to do the best you can for your baby.
😃 Even if … you’ve got a degree in child development but are so sleep deprived that you just want someone to do the thinking for you
😃 Even if… you’re an introvert and hate baby classes
😃 Even if … you don’t want a house full of expensive toys that you constantly trip over
HOW DO I KNOW THE Oliiki app is for me?
If you are a first-time parent that wants to do the best they can for their baby right from the earliest of days but not sure what you can do to help their development or you often run out of ideas of how to fill the day with a baby, then this is for you.
Absolutely, we make sure the cost is the lowest it can ever be, so you don’t have to stress about money while growing your baby’s brain at the most important time in their life for their development
The Oliiki app is available for download in the app stores. Just search for Oliiki
You’ll automatically get access to the Oliiki app as soon as you download it from the app stores and log in.
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