The Benefits of Cardboard Box Play for Your Child

A world of adventures is waiting in the boxes our gifts are wrapped up in.

The holiday season often brings the pressure to shower our babies and children with large numbers of gifts.

 But did you know, that research suggests that young children can actually benefit from having fewer toys?

In fact, one study found that children with fewer toy options (4 toys vs 16 toys) engaged more deeply, focused longer, and used their toys more imaginatively.


The developing brain loves to be challenged with open-ended opportunities to explore and investigate which is why, your child, very often, loves the cardboard box your gift comes in more than they love the gift itself!


Why are cardboard boxes so brilliant for your child and baby’s development?


Encourages Imagination and Creativity:

Cardboard boxes provide a blank canvas for children's imagination to run wild. They can transform a simple box into a spaceship, a castle, or even a cosy den. By engaging in open-ended play, children develop their creativity and problem-solving skills as they invent new scenarios and explore different roles.


Promotes Cognitive Development:

Playing with cardboard boxes stimulates cognitive development in various ways. As children manipulate themselves in and out of the boxes, they enhance their spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. They learn to navigate through different sizes and shapes, fostering their understanding of concepts like size, volume, and proportion.


Supports Social Interaction:

Cardboard box play can also be a social activity, encouraging children to collaborate, negotiate, and communicate with their peers or siblings. Whether they're building a fort together or engaging in pretend play, children learn important social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and problem-solving as they navigate their imaginative world.


Versatile and Adaptable:

One of the greatest advantages of cardboard box play is its versatility. Unlike many toys that have a limited purpose, cardboard boxes can be transformed into anything a child desires. They can be decorated, painted, or cut to create windows, doors, or even tunnels. As children grow, they can repurpose the boxes for different play scenarios, ensuring long-lasting engagement and value.


A FREE Gift For You!

There’s so much development in cardboard box play. So much so, that I created this FREE ebook for you so you can make the most of the cardboard boxes that’ll be arriving in our houses shortly!

Happy playing!

Clare Stead

Clare Stead is a primary school teacher, education researcher, eLearning specialist & mum of 3 now bigger children.  Clare built the Oliiki app to help parents and parents-to-be spark their baby’s adventures in learning and build their parenting confidence one play activity at a time. She is passionate about supporting parents, nurseries and HR departments to help parents and parents-to-be thrive.

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